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Apx02 Design & Purchasing Notes. (Stew)
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1 Preparation
1.11 Safe work planning & Notifiable work, Incidents
2 Construction Sequence
3 Design; Docs & Drgs (for reviews & project)
10 A Design thoughts
10 D FTi Fonterra Takanini
10 P&P Asaleo Care/ SCA/ Caxton
10A Design constants/ conversions
10A Engineering- Formulas
10A Gas (incl Oxygen) design
10A Site misc
10A Weather
10A2 Chemicals
10A2 PFD
10A4 PIDs
10A5 Site GRID
11A Process, Capacity info
19 FTi Fonterra Takanini Process info
20B Buildings GENERAL
20B Dairy Premises
20B Epoxy Floor coatings Details
20Ba Access
21B Fonterra
30C Roading barriers
33C Foundations
50E Heat basics (cp, BTU, etc
50E Boilers
50E Chillers
60F Filters, Strainers
80H3 *** Tracking Shipments & Ports
80H3 Freight; Freight Forwarder, Brokers
80H3 Import packaging- NZ
80H3 Incoterms
80H5.1 Crane Specs
80H5.4 Equipment (Strops, Chains, Shackles, etc)
100J Controls- FD
100J Alarm Levels
100Jk Safety Alarms- FD
100Jt Tank FD
110K1 Risk
110K2 Project Safety
110K2 FMEA
110K2 Guarding- AS 4024
113Kc Chemicals
113Kg Gases; Compressed Air
113Kl Natural Gas
113Kn Noise
113Ks Steam
120L Piping Design
120La6.6 Pipe seals + gaskets
120Lπ Brackets
128La8 Piping Spec *
130M Site visit
130M Construction Coded Equip- Piping
130M Construction, see; Apx03
130M Shop Construction
130Mf Concrete fastening thru Epoxy
130Mf Fasteners
140N Maintenance Scope
140N Spares
150o Materials
150o Concrete
150o Corrosion
150o Flange rusting
150o Galvanising
150o Insulation
150o Painting
160 Pumps
160P Pump Laws
160P Pumps- Water Hammer
=== 170 Quality & ITP
170Q Legal requirements
170Q Standards
170QA FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)
170QB Building Act, Consents & Code
170QL Piping
170.20QT Tanks
180R Chemicals
180R Heat Transfer Fluid data
180Rc Hazardous Substances
190S Structural
190S Concrete
190S Seismic
190SFTi Fonterra Takanini Site Seismic Factors
200T Atmospheric tank design pressure
200T Tanks
210U Bearings
210U Drives
210U Lubrication skids
220.1V Valve Design
220.2V Valve Spec & purchase
220.2 Bf Butterfly Specs
220.2+ Actuators
230W Electrical Power
230W Lights
===== 241X1 Procurement Philosophy
242X2.2 Contracts General
242X2.2 == Contract & PO; see Apx3 s240
242X2.2 3910 Contracts
242X2.2 Contracts clauses & Key points
242X2.2 Contracts INSURERS notes- correct order
242X2.2 Contracts' Insurances
242X2.2 Guaranty & Warranty
242X2.3 *** SPEC TEXT (Simple and detail)- RFQ
242X2.3 *** Tendering (also see Spec text above)- RFQ
242X2.3 Client Delivery address
242X2.3 Designer; drawings & Spec
242X2.4 Bid tab- Purchasing
242X2.5 $$$ PR => PO notes Essity
242X2.5 $$$ PR => PO notes Kinleith
244X4 Payments + Timesheets
249X Contracts General Fonterra
249X Contracts Insurances Fonterra
249XF Fonterra Contracts
250Y Drawings etc
250Y1 Timeline ∆ Apx1 s36
250Y3 Eng control
Index, Abbreviations & Definitions
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