Parliament MPs, parties and electorates
Phone 1: +64 4 817 9999 |
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Fax: +64 4 471 2551 |
Parliament Buildings
Town / City: Wellington |
Postal Address:
Parliament Buildings
Private Bag 18 041
Postcode: 6160
Town / City: Wellington |
Prov / State: Wellington
Country: New Zealand |
www: |
1. 51 Government.
Keywords:This section includes lists of current and former members, a biography page for each member, current members’ contact details and details of parliamentary friendship groups.
Parliamentary Parties
Electorate Profiles
Electorate profiles for each of the seven Māori electorates and 63 general electorates in New Zealand are published here. Electorate profiles are produced by the Parliamentary Library. Each profile includes election results, statistics about people, households and industries, and maps |