Fitness Classes in Botany
Phone 1: 021 151 7448 |
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17/345 Chapel Road Flat Bush, New Zealand
Postcode: 2016
Town / City: Auckland |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Auckland |
Prov / State: Auckland
Country: New Zealand |
www: https://www.aimzfitness.com/ |
1. 54 Health.
2. 36 Services- Personal.
Keywords:Aimz Fitness is a premier fitness center located in Howick, East Tamaki, and Botany that provides great gym facilities, top-notch fitness courses, and individualized training services. Aimz Fitness is committed to assisting individuals in achieving their fitness objectives and leading better lifestyles. The company places a major emphasis on providing clients with a holistic approach to health and wellness. Our cutting-edge gym is stocked with the most recent pieces of exercise machinery, guaranteeing that members have access to an extensive selection of different ways to get in shape. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, whether you are just starting out or are an experienced fitness enthusiast, our helpful and professional staff is here to provide guidance and support at every step of the way. |