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Waikato Innovation Park
8A Melody Lane
Postcode: 3216
Town / City: Hamilton
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Town / City: Hamilton
Prov / State: Waikato
Country: New Zealand
1. 34 Services-Professional.
2. 07 Communication.
Keywords:We work for the world's leading semiconductor and product companies, who choose us because of our deep expertise in wireless and Internet of Things technologies. Every day we're developing secure embedded software for connected systems, designing hardware from silicon to PCB/product-level, and supporting all other aspects of the connectivity journey from technology selection through to product RF and interoperability certification.

Our expertise spans a wide range of technologies including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa, Sigfox, IEEE 802.15.4, cellular, GNSS, and many more, and we work across all system layers from physical to application.