Aus Tamil Tv
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667 High Street Melbourne VIC 3072
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Prov / State: Victoria
Country: Australia |
www: https://austamil.tv/ |
1. 07 Communication.
2. 27 Entertainment.
Keywords:AUS Tamil TV – the very first Tamil News Australia 24x7 TV channel that is dedicated to all Tamilans living in Australia. We broadcast Tamil TV Australia a complete genre of Australia Tamil News programmes including interviews, talk shows, local news and events. You can also stream entertainment shows, local events, lifestyle programmes, award shows, kids’ programmes, Tamil comedy scenes, Tamil Cinema News, Tamil songs, Short Film from local talents, interviews of celebrities and local icons that keep you entertained throughout the day. You can enjoy the best video/audio experience on Wi-Fi internet connections and mobile networks. Our Audio/Video is optimised to play on mobile, tablets, laptops and PCs, as well as to deliver consistent output on the available bandwidth. High attention to quality and advanced live video streaming across all devices and platforms make Aus Tamil TV an ultimate destination for live video streamers. So, if you are looking for something that can keep you engaged the whole day, stay tuned on AUZ Tamil TV
call 1300 683 783