Taxi service in Chandigarh
Phone 1: 03125315781 |
Phone 2: |
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Fax: |
Delhi India
Postcode: 54000
Suburb: Amritsar
Town / City: Amritsar |
Postal Address:
Delhi India
Postcode: 54000
Town / City: Amritsar |
Prov / State: Punjab
Country: India |
www: https://www.mrcabie.com/taxi-service-in-chandigarh |
1. 05 Auto, Marine, Aerospace, Transport.
2. 44 Rental+Hiring.
Keywords:Hire our cabs for a round trip or avail our one way taxi service in Chandigarh to +15 cities. The city is located in close proximity to a great number of destinations. Some of the places you can visit from Chandigarh are Delhi, Kasauli, Manali, Shimla, Ludhiana, Dharamshala and Amritsar. |