Car Garage in Dubai
Phone 1: +971 4285 2494 |
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44 golden 9th Street 24b DUBAI UAE
Town / City: |
Postal Address:
Town / City: |
Prov / State: Dubayy
Country: United Arab Emirates |
Email: goldenworkshopdubai@gmail.com
www: http://www.goldenworkshop.ae/car-garage-in-dubai.html |
1. 05 Auto, Marine, Aerospace, Transport.
2. 35 Services-Trade.
Keywords:Golden workshop is a professional car garage in Dubai, we offer complete Car Service in Dubai with affordable price.
Feel Free to contact us for Consultation:
Address: 44 golden 9th Street 24b DUBAI UAE
P.O BOX 19935
Contact Number: +97142852494
Fax No:- 97142852494
Email id: info@goldenworkshop.ae
Website: http://www.goldenworkshop.ae/car-garage-in-dubai.html