Phone 1: 0800 278 432 |
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39 Market Place, Auckland
Postcode: 1010
Town / City: Auckland |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Auckland |
Prov / State: Auckland
Country: New Zealand |
www: https://www.arvida.co.nz/ |
1. 56 Community-Social Benefit.
2. 21 Household.
Keywords:retirement communitites,
retirement villas,
home help for the elderly,
aged care services,
retirement lifestyle
Arvida is a network of 32 quality retirement communities throughout New Zealand. Their retirement villas and apartments offer a rich tapestry of life, while their Good Friends network offers leading home care for the elderly.
Arvida helps New Zealanders live a truly fulfilling life as they age. They make it easier for residents to live by their own rules, even if they need a high level of care and support. Their retirement communities provide the freedom to remain independent and pursue meaningful connections to the people, communities, and activities they love.
Every Arvida retirement community includes facilities that can be enjoyed by members of the public alongside their residents. This provides residents the opportunity to stay actively engaged with their broader communities, including children, young people, and older locals still living on their own. |