C J Stone Ltd
Phone 1: 075 6389 6201 |
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94, Bandeath Industrial Estate, Throsk, Stirling FK7 7NP, United Kingdom
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Prov / State: West Midlands
Country: United Kingdom |
www: http://cjstoneltd.co.uk |
1. 11 Building+Property.
2. 21 Household.
Keywords:Welcome to CJ Stone Ltd., the finest manufacturer and supplier of granite and quartz worktops, vanity units and fireplaces. We use the highest quality products from top companies all over the world. Not just that! Since our establishment, we have built an excellent reputation for providing unique and speedy services to our customers. With over six years of experience, we specialise in creating workplaces, kitchens and bathrooms in Stirling, Glasgow, Fife, Perth, Edinburgh, Kinross, Lothian, Clackmannanshire, and Dunbartonshire. To know more about the services we offer, visit our website. And, to obtain a free quotation, call us now on +441786561453. |