Baby Sensory Central Derbyshire
Phone 1: 798 944 3734 |
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The Venue, Wyaston Road
Postcode: DE6 1NB
Town / City: Derbyshire |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Derbyshire |
Prov / State: East Midlands
Country: United Kingdom |
www: https://www.babysensory.com/centralderbyshire |
1. 36 Services- Personal.
2. 53 Education + Information.
Keywords:Searching for ‘baby sensory classes near me’ in Central Derbyshire? Welcome to Baby Sensory. We have designed baby sensory classes to deliver a fantastic sensory experience for your baby. Our classes are conducted in a relaxed, fun and comfortable setting. Some activities our classes include music, singing, baby singing, baby singing, texture experiences, brain games and many more. We strive to create an experience where you can spend quality time with your baby and enjoy meeting other new parents. We conduct over 60 sessions, and you are free to join at any time. Our classes are run by Marie Madej. Visit our website for booking and other details. |