LUNA Language Services
Phone 1: +1 317 341 4137 |
Phone 2: |
Skype: |
Fax: |
8935 North Meridian Street, Suite 250
Postcode: 46260
Suburb: Indiana
Town / City: Indianapolis |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Indianapolis |
Prov / State: Indiana
Country: United States |
www: http://luna360.com |
1. 34 Services-Professional.
2. 36 Services- Personal.
Keywords:LUNA Language Services celebrates a multicultural and multilingual world. As a company grounded on a mission of service, we aim to serve not only our clients, but the community members seeking equal access to services and information. Our community partners help us to advocate for best practices in language access planning and in the process educate our clients on providing safe and qualified services. This page seeks to provide information to interpreters, clients, and members of our local community interested in the effect language and culture has in all of our lives. Call us now. |