Onyx Tyres Australia
Phone 1: 07 3276 8792 |
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33 Colebard St W,
Postcode: 4110
Suburb: Acacia Ridge
Town / City: Brisbane |
Postal Address:
33 Colebard St W,
Postcode: 4110
Town / City: Brisbane |
Prov / State: Queensland
Country: Australia |
www: http://onyxtyres.com.au/ |
1. 05 Auto, Marine, Aerospace, Transport.
2. 42 Sales Retail.
Keywords:"Onyx Tyres have been Dealing as a wholesale to the Australian Tyre industry since 1999. The company now becomes one of the biggest suppliers of major tire brands in Australia. We are the premier partner to some most favorite Australian tire brands and continue serving the best and affordable value to the customers.
Onyx Tyres provides exclusive deals to their existing network of Dealers, as well as startups. We are helping them grow and become more powerful to compete with competitors through a unique program. Our fast delivery program is designed to drive business with the help of warranty and value.
Onyx Tyres wholesale department sells all around Australia includes Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Goldcoast. Our top-rated brands are Hilo, Mirage, Roadcruza, Annaite, Grenlander, Amberstone, and others. If you are an existing distributor and want to join hands with us, Onyxtyres welcomes you to become a B2B partner So visit our website www.onyxtyres.com.au call or enquire online.
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