Voltage Electrical Systems
Phone 1: +255 788 499111 |
Phone 2: +255 754 300348 |
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Postcode: 022
Town / City: dar es salaam |
Postal Address:
Town / City: dar es salaam |
Prov / State: All Regions
Country: Tanzania, United Republic of |
Email: info@jsel.co.tz
www: http://shop.jselectromec.com/abb |
1. 12 Electrical+Electronic.
2. 43 Sales to Trade.
Keywords:Siemens Electrical Distributors Tanzania
Siemens Motors Distributors Tanzania
Siemens Electric Motors Tanzania
Siemens Automation Systems Tanzania
Electronic Relays Tanzania
Automation Systems Tanzania
If you are seeking to buy top quality Low-voltage electrical installations, Industrial automation and control products at an excellent competitive price, this place is for you.