Computer Repair Rosemount
Phone 1: 952-432-3336 |
Phone 2: |
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Fax: |
17587 Glasgow Ave
Postcode: 55044
Town / City: Lakeville |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Lakeville |
Prov / State: Minnesota
Country: United States |
www: http://alexpctech.com/ |
1. 34 Services-Professional.
2. 09 IT.
Keywords:Data Recovery Prior Lake
data recovery services Lakeville
Data Recovery Farmington
Computer Repair Service Lakeville
Computer Repair Eagan
When you are experiencing computer troubles, we at Alex PC Tech can help you offering fast and flawless computer repair in Lakeville, Northfield, Prior Lake and Rosemount. Our Computer repair technicians use the latest tools and techniques to handle any type of computer repair problem on any type of computer.