UNS - United Nursing Services
Phone 1: 5614788788 |
Phone 2: |
Skype: |
Fax: |
1897 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd #213
Postcode: 33409
Town / City: West Palm Beach |
Postal Address:
1897 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd #213, West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Town / City: West Palm Beach |
Prov / State: Florida
Country: United States |
www: https://www.unitednursingservices.com |
1. 54 Health.
2. 36 Services- Personal.
3. 34 Services-Professional. |
Keywords:United Nursing Services has been providing compassionate and professional home healthcare services to clients since 1986. Locally owned, United Nursing Services is a dually licensed, Home Healthcare and Medicare-certified agency. |