Certified Home Inspector
Phone 1: 0215 385 0384 |
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4733 Roosevelt Boulevard
Postcode: 19124
Town / City: Philadelphia |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Philadelphia |
Prov / State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States |
www: http://real-inspector.com |
1. 37 Inspection Services.
2. 11 Building+Property.
3. 21 Household. |
Keywords:home inspectors near me
A first generation Haitian American based in Philadelphia. As a young man, I would dream of getting into real estate. In 2018, I achieved that goal. However, being the hands on type, I found myself wanting more. In 2019 I became a certified member of InterNACHI. The InterNational Association of Certified Home Inspectors the world’s largest inspection trade association. I abide by the InterNACHI standards of practice and code of ethics in good standing.At Certified Home Inspectors we believe in providing our customers with a thorough visual inspection. The way we achieve that is by incorporating the use of, thermal imaging. A noninvasive method of inspecting a structure. The majority of what goes on in a structure cannot be seen by the naked eye yet, leaves a thermal footprint. |