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1. 54 Health.
2. 36 Services- Personal.
Keywords:Tooth Implant
Tooth Implant is a surgical replacement of the natural missing tooth caused due to decay or injuries. It is a procedure of three steps of fixing an artificial tooth in the jawbone. Implants not only improve aesthetically but makes it functional for daily activities. In modern dentistry, implants are considered to be an apt option for replacing the missing gap. The dental implant acts as a restoration for the root of a missing tooth. The dental instrument called a screw is inserted in the roots to hold the implant. The process of blending between the dental implant and jawbone is called “osseointegration.†The cost of Dental implant is comparatively expensive than other prostheses.
Tooth Filling
Tooth filling is a restorative treatment used to repair worn, decayed or damaged teeth. Dental fillings are hard materials used to repair a tooth by filling the holes that have been caused by damage to the tooth. Fillings cannot completely repair all damage to teeth but are necessary to protect replace the tooth structure damaged by tooth decay. Tooth filling comes in different types of material like dental amalgam, composite resin, gold, and porcelain. Once, you have fillings it is necessary to clean your teeth twice a day that can help to prevent tooth decay and avoid further loss of the teeth. Routine check-ups can help to make sure fillings are properly situated.
Cost of Braces
Braces treatment also called orthodontic treatment is a quick fix to correct misaligned or crooked teeth. There are four types of braces available in India-- Metal, lingual, ceramic, and aligners. Each type of braces have different characteristics and cost. Metal are the most basic appliances that require brackets, wires, and bands to fix the crooked teeth. Ceramic braces- are a type of invisible braces that requires braces appliances like bands, wires, and brackets but transparent in colour and is not visible to the eyes. Lingual braces are an updated version of metal braces that do not require bands and brackets for support. Clear aligners are a set of transparent trays that are teeth shaped and supported to correct the alignment. Clear aligners are the actual introduction to modern dentistry. The cost of braces starts from Rs- 23,000 (basic metal braes) to Rs 1 lakh (clear aligners).
Dental filling
A dental filling is used to treat a small hole caused by a cavity in a tooth. To repair a cavity, a dentist removes the decayed or damaged tooth tissue and then fills the space with a filling material to keep it protected from further decaying. Tooth decay is caused due to the harmful bacteria deposited in the tooth that converts into acid causing damage to the tooth enamel. The bacteria stuck on the tooth creates a cavity. More severe decay can cause a large hole or even destruction of the entire tooth. If the cavity is not treated, it can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss. Filling material to repair the damage include- tooth-colored (composite) fillings and silver-colored (amalgam) fillings. Composite resin materials are increasingly used to fill teeth because many people prefer tooth-colored fillings and because composites continue to improve.
Orthodontic treatment generally termed as braces treatment is the branch of dentistry that corrects the improper position of the teeth and jaws. Crooked teeth or crowed teeth do not fit together correctly and are harder to keep clean. Hence, they are at risk of being lost early due to tooth decay and periodontal disease. It can also cause extra stress on the chewing muscles that can lead to headaches, TMJ syndrome, and neck, shoulder and back pain. Teeth that are crooked or not in the right place can also spoil one's appearance. The benefits of orthodontic treatment include a healthier mouth, a more pleasing appearance, and teeth that are more likely to last a lifetime. A specialist who deals in this field is called an orthodontist. Orthodontists are specialists with two or more years of education and experience.
Dental Implant
Dental implants are considered as the standard of care for prosthetic replacement of missing teeth. A dental implant is a surgical fixture procedure where an artificial tooth is inserted in place of a missing tooth into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the natural bone over a few months. The dental implant acts as a restoration for the root of a missing tooth. This instrument installed holds artificial teeth or teeth. Having a dental implant fused to the jawbone is the closest thing to resemble a natural tooth because it stands on its own without affecting the nearby teeth and has great stability. The process of blending between the dental implant and jawbone is called “osseointegration.†The contribution of dental implants is not only to improve aesthetics but also to make it functional for daily activities.
Teeth Scaling
Teeth scaling is routinely performed every six months to help patients with removing excessive plaque buildup. A standard cleaning is done to the surface of the tooth, while scaling goes much deeper. If your dentist suggests dental scaling and root planing for your teeth, it’s helpful to know what this means so you can prepare for what’s ahead. Teeth Scaling is a common dental procedure for patients to clean the gum-line with gum disease. This is a type of dental cleaning that reaches below the gum line to remove hard plaque buildup. The process of scaling and root planing the teeth is often referred to as a deep cleaning. This treatment goes beyond the normal cleaning that you receive with your regular checkup and regular visit.
Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction is the removal of a completely decayed tooth from its socket in the bone.
Extraction is performed for positional, structural, or economic reasons. Teeth are often removed because they are impacted. Teeth become impacted when they are prevented from growing into their normal position in the mouth by gum tissue, bone, or other teeth. Impaction is a common reason for the extraction of wisdom teeth. Extraction is the only known method that will prevent further problems. Teeth may also be extracted to make more room in the mouth prior to straightening the remaining teeth (orthodontic treatment), or because they are so badly positioned that straightening is impossible. Extraction may be used to remove teeth that are so badly decayed or broken that they cannot be restored. In addition, patients sometimes choose extraction as a less expensive alternative to filling or placing a crown on a severely decayed tooth.
Cavity Filling
Cavity Filling is basically a protection given to the damaged or decayed tooth. The cavity is removed and the area is filled with a replacement material to protect against further damage and to restore the tooth’s appearance and function. The replacement material, which is called the filling, is made out of composite resin and porcelain. Each type of filling has its own advantages and disadvantages, which have to be weighed along with the patient’s specific considerations, to determine the most appropriate material to be used.
Dentures are replacements for all missing teeth from the arch that can be taken out and put back into your mouth. While dentures are worn for some days you will feel discomfort in your mouth as they are not the natural teeth. There are two main types of dentures: full and partial. the dentist will help you choose the type of denture that's best for you and your mouth based on whether some or all of your teeth are going to be replaced and the cost involved. With full dentures, a flesh-colored acrylic base fits over your gums. The base of the upper denture covers the palate, while that of the lower denture is shaped like a horseshoe to accommodate your tongue.