Trendy Rompers
Phone 1: 3237396046 |
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Los Angeles, CA
Postcode: 90001
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Prov / State: California
Country: United States |
www: https://www.trendyrompers.com/ |
1. 22 Apparel.
2. 23 Lifestyle+Recreation.
3. 41 Sales Online. |
Keywords:Hi! We are Chrissy and Pierre, a team of enthusiastic entrepreneurs that decided to actualize our aspirations by marrying both experiences in fashion and e-commerce into this site, Trendy Rompers! Passion project turned business, our goal is to create a satisfying shopping experience here at Trendy Rompers. Welcome!
True story, Trendy Rompers was born from a simple “yes†or “no.†Let’s rewind to a few months ago, August 2017.
We have always had an affinity for all things fashion -- Not just a genuine love for shopping fast fashion to the designer but truly enjoy immersing ourselves career-wise to contribute to such a vibrant and exciting industry. |