Pvc Fittings Injection Molding Machine
Phone 1: 15258182550 |
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Room 11-12, Building No. 45, No.163 Ruiqing Road
Postcode: 315000
Town / City: Ningbo |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Ningbo |
Prov / State: Zhejiang
Country: China |
www: global-plastech.com/products/plastic-injection-molding-machines/-1 |
1. 04 Industry+Manufacture.
2. 35 Services-Trade.
Keywords:Rolling Barrel Type Color Mixer
Scissor Lifts & Lift Tables
Screw and Barrel
Vacuum Auto Loader China
Robot for Injection Molding Machine
Rotary Vertical Injection Molding Machine
Sanshun Injection Machine
Here at Global Plastech, we focus on mold making Pvc Fittings Injection Molding Machine, Robot for Injection Molding Machine, Rotary Vertical Injection Molding Machine and Sanshun Injection Machine that are affordable.