Tree Transplant Services
Phone 1: 027 451 0528 |
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Postcode: 3110
Town / City: Tauranga |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Tauranga |
Prov / State: Bay of Plenty
Country: New Zealand |
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1. 01 Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, etc.
2. 35 Services-Trade.
Keywords:About Us
Tree Transplant Services was started in 1995. Initially we started with a truck mounted tree spade machine, but over the years we have diversified into the large tree market which compliments the tree spade.
We established our nursery in which large semi mature trees and palms are grown. Our operation caters for the supply and planting of big trees and palms up to 7mtrs tall. From smaller trees in Ezi-Lift bags to huge 10 tonne plus specimens.
Tree Spade & Tree Sourcing
We can uplift from the ground naturally grown specimen trees using our tree spade machine, and transport to any destination in New Zealand.
Property Owners do not have to wait years for their trees to develop, they can purchase large semi mature specimen trees for instant beautification that can otherwise take many years to grow.
We are also able to source specific trees according to our client’s requirements.
Work History
Our work history has seen us undertake planting projects all over New Zealand, from home and lifestyle blocks to new sub divisions and local body projects.
Trees are a natural way to provide beautification to all properties and commercial entities.
If you have a project that requires large trees or palms please contact Paul Frowein for a free quote to transplant or supply trees.
Big Tree Nursery
From our nursery we have supplied large mature shade trees suitable for schools, kindergartens and other organisations.
We also have a variety of screen trees which are a great way to establish boundaries between residential homes and public areas including golf courses and reserves. |