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The Centre for Vision & Leadership
Phone 1: +64 (0)800 742 853 Phone 2:
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Level 9, BERL House, 108 The Terrace Wellington New Zealand
Postcode: 6143
Suburb: Wellington
Town / City: Wellington
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Town / City: Wellington
Prov / State: Wellington
Country: New Zealand
Email: -
1. 31 Business + Admin.
2. 53 Education + Information.
3. 34 Services-Professional.
Keywords:leadership courses nz,
leadership training nz,
leadership development,
leadership coaching,
strategic planning process

The range of services offered by The Centre of Vision & Leadership (CVL) are targeted at helping corporate and community leaders bring about positive change, and deliver outcomes that can be sustained over long periods. CVL leadership training services are often equally as applicable to individuals as they are to organisations.
When CVL works with a team, they seek to build capability, ensure activity is focused on results, and ensure leaders are enlisting both hearts and minds in their strategy. When CVL works with individuals they seek to engineer experiences that build personal insights, create new skills and grow confidence.
The CVL range of services encompass four essential pathways: Shared Visioning, Authentic Leadership Development, Change in Leadership, and Partnering. The CVL engagement model starts with understanding - they seek to build an intimate understanding of client business contexts and relationship dynamics to ensure they can provide the best recommendations. Once this understanding is developed CVL works collaboratively with clients to design the right solution. CVL is flexible and opportunities for iterations ensure that the solution is correct, and responsive to client business dynamics as it is implemented.
In addition to delivering on the required outcomes, CVL adds value through offering insights and ideas throughout the relationship. This makes CVL one of the best teachers of leadership courses NZ has to offer.