Commercial Carpet Cleaning | Flash Cleaning
Phone 1: 0800 300 777 |
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16 Overton Road
Postcode: 2025
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Prov / State: Auckland
Country: New Zealand |
www: http://www.flashcleaning.co.nz/ |
1. 21 Household.
2. 35 Services-Trade.
Keywords:Before you leave your current house and move in to a new location, it's essential that you hand over the property to the owner in good condition. Since packing and moving can deteriorate the look of the building, opting for end of tenancy cleaning is the right solution for you. That being said, let the expert cleaners at Flash Cleaning make sure that every corner of the house is tidy while you focus on other crucial tasks. We understand that many people operate within a budget and so our services are curated in order to fit in all sorts of the budget with ease. For top-notch house cleaning service, book us today. |