consolidatedmachines-tmt bending machine
Phone 1: 91 3749 1221 |
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H-137 Ansa Industrial Estate, Sakivihar Road. Mumbai 400 072, India.
Postcode: 400072
Suburb: Mumbai
Town / City: Mumbai |
Postal Address:
H-137 Ansa Industrial Estate, Sakivihar Road. Mumbai 400 072, India.
Postcode: 400072
Town / City: Mumbai |
Prov / State: Maharashtra
Country: India |
www: http://consolidatedmachines.net |
1. 04 Industry+Manufacture.
2. 11 Building+Property.
Keywords:We are expert construction machinery manufacturer with a PAN India presence having our headquarters based in Mumbai. We deal with a number of high quality bar cutting machine,bar bending machine, tmt cutting machine, hydraulic power unit ,automatic stirrup forming machine,hydraulic cut bend machine, steel fabrication machinery, tmt bending machine etc. |