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Naturalflow, Head Office
Phone 1: 0800 628 3567 Phone 2: +64 9 4310042
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Street Address:
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1160 State Highway 12

Postcode: 0547
Town / City: Maungaturoto
Postal Address:
PO Box 24
Postcode: 0547
Town / City: Maungaturoto
Prov / State: Northland
Country: New Zealand
1. 11 Building+Property.
2. 42 Sales Retail.
Keywords:Truly passive wastewater treatment systems
Completely sustainable and odourless wastewater and sewage systems for both domestic and commercial use.

NaturalFlow is the solution for These robust, power-free sewage treatment systems in NZ have very little maintenance requirements and are cost-effective throughout their lifetime. As a team, we are committed to delivering nationwide installation and quality support on time – every time. Find out how nature is harnessed to treat wastewater and the benefit from the NaturalFlow difference today.

Septic Tank Alternative
One of the oldest and most basic approaches to treating sewage and wastewater is the classic septic tank. In this traditional system all your sewage and wastewater goes into one tank for separation. The solids then sink and settle to the bottom and the lighter oils etc float to the top to form a scum layer, a process that the ‘industry’ allows 24hrs to fully accomplish. The middle layer then contains the liquid component that is now ideally clear of solids and can be disposed of out to the soakage field.

Natural Flow