S & L Consultants, Tauranga
Phone 1: 07 577 6069 |
Phone 2: |
Skype: |
Fax: 07 577 6065 |
102 Hamilton Street
Town / City: Taruanga |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Taruanga |
Prov / State: Bay of Plenty
Country: New Zealand |
www: http://www.sltga.co.nz |
1. 34 Services-Professional.
2. 10 Civil Engineering.
Keywords: Infrastructure Planning for Local Authorities
Water Sewer Stormwater Future Land Zoning / Structure Planning
Property Development Potential Assessments
Golf Resort Developments
Land Development Engineering
Bulk earthworks design and management Roading Design and Construction
Water Supply Reticulation Stormwater Disposal Treatment and Reticulations
Wastewater Reticulation Utilities in Association with Supply Authorities
Stormwater Engineering
Building Developments Retention Ponds Treatment Ponds Reticulation
Soakage Fields Low Impact Design Land Drainage and Flood Pumping
On Site Disposal Package Treatment Plants Sewer Pumpstations
Site Investigations Slope Stability Analysis Specialist Foundation Design
Land Hazard Evaluation Management of Site Development Earthworks
Subdivision Completion Works Ground Soakage Capability Analysis
Project Management
Civilworks Contract Preparation Tender Assessment
Observation and Reporting Contract Administration
Shrimpton & Lipinski |