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1. 34 Services-Professional.
2. 31 Business + Admin.
Keywords:When looking for the ideal education and training provider there are some questions you probably ask:
Does this provider have practical experience of governance in an organisation like mine?
The Stellaris presenters have been members of the boards of some of the largest organisations in the country while also serving on the boards of local charities. We are, or have been, directors of a Council Controlled Company, District Health Boards, an energy trust, SMEs, Incorporated Societies and family businesses.
In addition we have worked with an even wider range of organisations from publicly listed companies to iwi trusts and kindergarten committees.
Stellaris does not do "cookie cutter" training so ask us how we will make your session perfect for you.
Are the presenters expert educators who can get the message across to the range of people in the room?
It is all very well having the technical experience but do the presenters know how to teach it?
Frances Denz is the winner of the prestigious Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award presented annually by the Minister for Tertiary Education. Her other awards reflect the more than 6000 people she has taught in a career of more than three decades.
Ron Scott has qualifications in Adult Education. In fact he has taught educators how to educate as a presenter on the National Certificate of Adult Education. He is a moderator for NZQA and has spoken internationally on Governance.
How do I know whether they are any good - Is there a credible third party such as NZQA which evaluates the effectiveness of the provider?
NZQA sends two evaluators every three years to examine how well Stellaris PTE is achieving. Stellaris is listed as a Category Two Provider. An excellent rating is not easy to achieve but NZQA gave ratings of Excellent for our teaching and Excellent for value of outcomes for our clients.
It is easy for a provider to claim that they are good (and we are) but only a regulatory authority like the Qualifications Authority can gove you absolute confidence. that goes beyond the marketing spin.
Does the provider back itself by belonging to the Quality Commission?
If things were to go wrong how would they be fixed? Stellaris has never had that problem but if we did you have the confidence of a free and indepedent complaints resolution service that is binding on Stellaris PTE.
Is the qualification genuine (with externally moderated assessments) or is it a piece of paper you get for turning up on the day?
Many training opportunities involve simply turning up. Even if the participant tunes out for the day they can still say they have "done the training". That isnt value for money for your organisation.
As an individual you face the problem that many courses give you a Certificate but there is no credibility behind it. How can you demonstrate that you really learned the material? The Certificate in Governance (Level 7) is a NZQA accredited qualification that meets the stringent requirements of a qualification on the National Qualifications Framework. Assessments are moderated by third parties. The assessments are practical. The qualification is credible evidence that you will add value to a board from day 1!
How long has the organisation been going?
Stellaris was established in 2005. Over those ten years Stellaris has built an enviable reputation as a provider of quality Governance Education. |