Exothermics, America
Phone 1: 1 (815) 877-3031 |
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1665 Elmwood Road
Postcode: 61103
Town / City: Rockford |
Postal Address:
Town / City: Rockford |
Prov / State: Illinois
Country: United States |
www: http://www.eclipsenet.com/products/exothermics/ |
1. 04 Industry+Manufacture.
Keywords:Corporate Headquarters
Exothermics is a leading source of reliable, high-efficiency industrial heat exchangers including, air to air plate type, sinusoidal stainless steel, and dimple plate heat exchangers. Each offers robust construction, outlasting many competing products and delivering the lowest total cost of ownership. Designed and built by highly-certified and highly-trained employees, Exothermics heat exchangers meet the needs of equipment manufacturers and industrial end-users around the world.
Exothermics air to air heat exchangers serve every industry that uses heat to process, dry, cure, bake, or finish their product. Manufacturers gain tremendous energy savings because Exothermics provides extensive application knowledge and sizing expertise to create the greatest efficiency for your process through heat recovery.