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1. 09 IT.
2. 07 Communication.
Keywords:Innovation is critical to organizational growth, and Information Managers must be able to provide their organizations with the best tools to accelerate product research.

Engineering Village, the most comprehensive source for engineering information, gives users the ability to find information quickly, right from their desktop. With access to peer-reviewed journals, trade magazines and conference proceedings, including full text retrieval, users get information
they need. The result is less time searching for information, and more time applying their findings to critical research projects.

Through tutorials and product demonstrations, researchers learn how to use EV, and make it work for their needs. Additionally, EV’s Product Specialist gives regularly scheduled trainings, for which researchers and information managers can register.

Users find Engineering Village easy to learn and use. An extensive help section includes product demos and customer support. Customizable materials help trainers to build targeted training to address unique audience needs.

Engineering Village helps Information Managers:
easily narrow down search results with controlled vocabulary and indexing of records according to the Ei Thesaurus
by giving regularly scheduled online trainings